Per il panino notturno di fine serata, qui a Roma si va tutti da lui: Giorgione, meglio noto come lo Zozzone di Corso Francia.
Da qualche tempo coadiuvato dai suoi apprendisti zozzetti, Giorgione si trascina ogni notte il suo
trash-food su ponte Flaminio- una dedizione da manuale- ed incanta per presenza di spirito: 1,80 cm per 90 Kg di carisma, zuccotto di lana in testa e quel suo stile nel sedere dietro la cassa che nemmeno un reale sul trono.
Accorrono da tutta Roma per ammirarlo mentre scalda le sue piastre. Sebbene in molti abbiano tentato d’ imitarne le gesta- paninaro al Foro Italico o a Porta Maggiore- nessuno ancora è riuscito ad eguagliare il potere delle sue salsicce, nonché degli arrosticini da far invidia alla miglior cacciagione abruzzese.
Per i fast-food: una battaglia persa. Manca la forza aggregante dello Zozzo che unisce nella diversità: persone in Porche e motorino, Maserati e Panda in un unico iato di gioia comune, nell’osservarlo grigliare hamburger e maneggiare cipolla con impeccabile classe da portuale. La sua è pura passione, curata nel dettaglio, in un’atmosfera che trascende le migliori sagre di paese e riscalda le alienanti serate metropolitane: ad halloween per l’occasione, palloncini neri ed arancione accrescevano il folklore.
D'altronde Zozzone si nasce. E per quanto certe notti lo stomaco reclami quelle salsicce che ancora sta digerendo nel sonno, l’operazione Z3- Zozzone ndr- rimane una delle poche gioie romane alla quale è d’obbligo non rinunciare.
At 9:20 PM,
Anonimo said…
sono le cose belle della vita romana,quello che non fa male ingrassa!
grande zzzzzzzzozzone!!!
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At 9:15 AM,
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Thanks again!
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At 11:08 AM,
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At 3:56 PM,
Anonimo said…
Another issue that you must stay on top of is price fluctuations from the bookmaker. The prices for placing bets do not just change with different bookies but even with the same. You cannot take it for granted that the prices that are quoted in print like the Racing Post will be valid at the time of the event. With sports betting things can change very rapidly so be sure that the price will be honored before placing your bet otherwise this can seriously affect the outcome of your arbitrage sports betting.
The best sports betting odds are in actuality just numbers, they may be an ever changing set of numbers but just numbers nonetheless. There are many different factors involved in the computation of not the least of which is the number of bettors placing bets on one team. If a bookie sees this happening he will give the team that is dentified as the loser more points and take points from the team deemed the winning team.
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The important thing to note here is that neither of the above approaches is "systemised", although those in the first group believe that they are limiting losses while increasing their winning chances. But what the majority in that first group generally do not take proper account of is how the Bookies have fixed the odds to ensure that they, the Bookies, will come out on top in the long run. What this means is that if you only bet on "favourites" you will eventually lose all your money, although it is true that you will enjoy a much longer period of betting before you kiss your last buck goodbye!
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Everyone who is involved in any kind of gaming, gambling, or betting as heard the stories of legendary people who have supposedly created the next foolproof betting system and have used the system themselves to help them to avoid losing and get higher profits over the long haul. The fact is that there is not a system in existence that can guarantee you that you will definitely be successful and never lose.
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With this movement the United States has taken a different approach to online gambling. Whereas other countries are working with these services to regulate them, the United States is attempting to prohibit them once and for all. By doing this they are missing out on the ability to tax internet gambling instead of getting rid of it entirely. Conservative estimates have shown that taxing these services could make the government in upwards of $6 billion a year.
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- The more conservative group looks at the "Short Odds" calls, and plays safe by selecting only those matches where they themselves feel very confident about the outcome.
- The more adventurous group analyses the matches and odds on offer, and then makes selections based on their own gut feeling about how the matches will turn out, making sure that the odds match their concept of a "value" bet.
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